Modern Handmade Child

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Points2Ponder By Alan P. Scaglione

“A little slack...could go a long way—to restoration!”

                                                                              By Alan P. Scaglone

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day full of love, passion and sheer joy!
You deserve to be loved for who you are now! We are all evolving, every day we live—life is a journey of a thousand steps.
Each step brings a new view- Each step creates a new you!
But some people just won’t let you change. They get stuck in who you were and won’t accept…you are not THAT person anymore.
How is it that some people will love, admire and adore you for who you are, while others just want to remind you of who you were “to them”!
Even if you “weren’t” that person at all…their “perception” of you is what they hold you to—and judge you with a verdict of Not Worthy Of Change!

POINTS2PONDER  Why do we sometimes refuse to accept that people change and the changes they make are making them into better people? Why can’t we see the New and accept the change? When’s the last time we allowed people the opportunity to rewrite our opinion of them? Why do we feel the need to hold others to a standard that we don’t hold ourselves? We change, we grow, we mature—Why can’t we cut them the same slack we hope others will cut us?
I have a friend who just came out of rehab. She is 45 days clean. She finally admitted she had a problem, checked herself into rehab, lost everything in the process of finding herself, and is now back to take one day at a time, putting the pieces of her life back together, hoping that those who know her and say they love her will allow her to hit the reset button on her life and…start anew!
She is finding a lot of her “family and friends” who just want to remind her of their “perception of who she was and who she should be and how disappointed they are in her”.
It is NOT helping her at all!
But… she said that I never judged her; I never held her to what she used to be; I never demanded apologies for the mistakes she made; I have applauded her effort, supported her recovery!
Guess in the Season Of Love (Valentine’s Day) it’s important to remember…
God is still working on all of us, and change is HIS method of molding HIS clay into the shape HE wants!
The goal is: to please HIM as we change to be more like HIM!
And yes…Change is Good!!
So…IF you have people in your life who just want to be judge and jury and hand you a verdict of not worthy—at some point, you just gotta accept “they’re never gonna see you for the you you are today!”
And…you just have to quit expending effort on explaining, pleading, begging them…to see you for who you are now… not their “perception” of who you were then!
Funny thing is… they don’t want the same judgment on their life that they are placing on yours!
Funny how that is???
Maybe we just need to cut each other a little slack…love each other a little more, accept that change is good, and…cheer on the efforts we are all making--He’s Still Working On ME!
Love is…loving the moth while it’s in the cocoon…and loving that same moth when it steps out as a butterfly!
Change is good; changing can be painful, but the result…45 days clean…is always to be applauded!!

The litmus test is this: HE molded US into HIS likeness…
So??? Does your change reflect more of HIM?
 Then it’s a good change;
 Less of HIM? Better go back and change some more!
To Be Like Jesus, that’s all I ask…to be more like HIM!
And isn’t HE the true symbol of LOVE?
So how much do you look like HIM?

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