Modern Handmade Child

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Points2Ponder By Alan P. Scaglione

“Jett’s Chocoface-grinning ear to ear!”

So my grandson Jett turned 2 this past weekend. Everyone had a great time at his party. Nano’s present was Jett’s chair buddy. A life size Buzz Lightyear! It’s the same size as Jett. Unfortunately, Jett was not as impressed with it as his Thomas The Train bathtub toys or his miniature real golf clubs that his other grandfather gave him. Competition at a two year old’s birthday party— who knew Buzz could be trumped by golf clubs? Apparently, this “other” grandfather knew! LOL! Live and learn-next year, a new car!
Nana and Nano got to spend the whole day with Jett Monday. We played hookie from work and just did whatever Jett wanted, and apparently, he wanted doughnuts!
Jett and I walk his Dad out to the car, we both wave bye-bye.
I look at Jett and say, “You ready for breakfast? What would you like?”
His mom had told us he has been eating eggs everyday and just loves them. Nana was ready to make him some eggs and toast.
So I said, “JJ, what do you want for breakfast?”
He looks me straight in the eyes and says, “DOUGHNUTS!”
I was taken aback. Doughnuts? His mom said he was eating eggs everyday and just loved them?
“Jett, you want eggs and toast”
What’s a grandfather to do? His mom said eggs. So, I knew what we had to do.
Jett and Nano headed to Dunkin Donuts! Just the two of us. Opened the door and told Nana, “Jett wants a doughnut—be back in a minute!”
He was in his PJs when we walked in. He saw all the doughnuts and said, “Mnm! MnM!” there was a chocolate covered doughnut with MnM’s on it.
“One MnM chocolate covered doughnut please! And can we get a chocolate milk also?”
Jett was elated. He and his Nano sat down and had breakfast, just the two of us. Chocolate all over his face, with a choco smile, grinning ear to ear.
We played with: looking thru the doughnut hole; putting the napkin on Nano’s head; and the eternally funny “Where’s Nano? Game!”
Like I could hide behind a doughnut, a napkin or a chair—he laughed every time!
Did I mention the “alien with 3 eyes hat” that I had apparently forgotten to take off. Hmmm? Had walked in with it on.
Wondered why they were staring? Guess it wasn’t just Jett and his contagious laugh!
We laughed and giggled and even snorted chocolate milk out of our nose.
 Okay—so Jett did that. I just laughed my head off. Playing hookie never felt so good!
Guess Jett had been waiting for that doughnut—he just knew who to ask!

POINTS2PONDER  Why is it kids know intuitively just who to ask for what they want—
they wait and ask the one person who will get it for them!

So, Jett and I walk in an hour later, and Nana says, “I thought you were doing thru drive-thru? What took you so long?”
I told her, “Jett wanted to go in and eat!”
She said, “Jett wanted to? A two year old asked to go into Dunkin Donuts and have breakfast? Sure he did!”
I replied, “He asked for a doughnut, didn’t he?”

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