“My Testimony—Life is STILL good! Heart Healed
16 Months and counting!”
Just Sayin’”
by Alan P. Scaglione
“And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb
and the word of their testimony!” (Revelation 12:11)So many people going through so many things right now.
Healing needed for so many.
People dealing with addictions.
Some are needing a relationship repair.
All of it needing us to be overcomers!!!
And yet this scripture says … and the word of their testimony!
What is a testimony?
It’s a statement of your values, your character, your decisions—that describes your life!
There was a time…
(You know you sound old when you start a comment with…There was a time…)
But really…we used to know the Christians by the way they looked, the way they lived, the decisions they made.
Nowadays…we live in this “I’m nobody’s judge” stage of Christianity that…it’s hard to pick a Christian out!
The testimony used to be that they stood out from among them, and they were separate.
Today, it seems like it’s “let’s be like them to show them we can!”
It’s become a bit confusing.
The Word hasn’t changed—they were overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
So, there’s a formula there: Overcome = Blood of Lamb + Testimony!
To be an overcomer, you have to have two things—Christ’s blood applied to your heart AND have a testimony!
But …I come back to the question I asked before…what’s a testimony?
A testimony is a statement made by your life that something has changed, someone has changed your life!
So...you have to be one way BEFORE the change AND another way AFTER the change!
In order to show there’s been a change…there has to be proof of the change!
One of my youth in my first youth group preached a message that I have never forgotten.
He said, “If you are the same after you meet Jesus as you were before you met Jesus—you didn’t meet MY Jesus!”
He went on to say, “No one was ever the same after meeting Him, whether touching the hem of His garment OR meeting Him at a well…
They were all forever changed by His presence and His touch on their life!”
Now…that’s a testimony!
To be one way prior to meeting Jesus and then to be totally different BECAUSE you MET the Lord!
We live in an age when we can’t tell the Christians from the non-christians—they all live the same, pretty much!
We say we can’t judge…it’s not our place…we are not fruit inspectors…
But I have to tell you, I would be pretty upset to bite into what I thought looked like an apple to have it taste like an avocado!
We expect policemen or military to act a certain way…
We even say “it’s their job to look a certain way and act a certain way—we expect certain things from them, and when they don’t live up to those expectations, we are disappointed in how they represented police or military—they let down the badge or the branch of military they represent, and they let us down too!”
Wait for it…here it comes…
So, if we have a right to expect our police or military to behave in a certain way and represent a certain model, why don’t we expect the same from the most important army in the world…a soldier of the cross? An ambassador for Christ!
I have often said, “we’re the only Jesus some will ever see!”
And if you were the only ambassador to a country called Christianity, would others observing your life want to visit your country?
Remember…they can’t see heaven so they need to see what makes us different so they will want to go to heaven!!
We Christians are not “holier than thou” robots who never have problems…
It’s how we deal with our problems, how we react to those problems, how we resolve those problems…that’s what makes us different.
Or…that’s what SHOULD make us different!
So ask yourself…what’s your “testimony” say about you?
We SHALL overcome…by HIS blood and by OUR testimony!
Until Next Time
I’m Just Sayin’…
Brother “A”
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