Modern Handmade Child

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I'm Just Sayin by Alan P. Scaglione

“God’s calling—can you hear Him in this crowd?”

                                          I’m Just Sayin’”
                                                                 by Alan P. Scaglione

I get paid to listen to people, all day long- I’m in disability insurance. People tell me their problems, and I listen. And sometimes, I get to minister, in the middle of it all. I call it “Drive By Ministry”. If I can offer an encouraging word or spiritual insight, I do. And I often tell them that I will pray for them because…I will.
There are a lot of hurting people in our world, and they just want to know…is someone listening?
This Mom called concerning her son. He had been in a single car accident, fallen asleep(so he says, she commented!) and he landed in a ditch. She said he was lucky to be alive, but he just wasn’t listening. She didn’t know what else needed to happen before…God got his attention.
Apparently, the Mom found out that a fence post rammed thru the back of her son’s headrest, missing his head by inches.
She was exasperated…I felt the pain of this mom wondering…what was it going to take for her son to turn his life around.
I told her, “sometimes, God speaks in a whisper, like a cool breeze blowing on your face in the middle of July; and sometimes, God speaks loudly, like thunder…depending what it takes to get your attention!”
The Mom responded, without missing a beat “yeh but sometimes, God ZAPS you like lightning—that ALWAYS gets your attention!”
We both chuckled and then I said, “well, looks like the whisper didn’t work with your son!”
She retorted, “and let’s see if the zap does!”
That conversation made me wonder? What does it take for God to get our attention?
Guess it all depends… on how intune we are…to His voice!
The picture I used this week is of the Mount Dora Fall Art Festival, held this weekend. We went and walked around, in the midst of the roaring crowd.
So many people-- all moseying and meandering through the streets, appreciating or ignoring the art, depending on what interested them.
It was a growing roar as the day wore on…hard to hear each other comment on the art due to the blare of the crowd.
And yet, in the middle of all of this cacophony of voices, my cell phone rings, and I heard it—and answered.
All because…I was intune with the sound of my cell phone ringing, and I knew that sound and my mind was alert to that sound…and I responded.
Hmmmm! Anybody see where I am going here?
Maybe we are not intune with hearing His voice anymore? So, a “whisper” isn’t heard, “thunder” gets overlooked and even “lightning” is ignored!
Seems to me…a breeze across my face feels so much better than a lightning bolt in my back. Just depends….on how well we listen.
I was reminded of the passage of scripture in 1 Kings 19:11-13 when Elijah was searching for God. Scripture says, he looked in the mountain, but God wasn’t there; Elijah looked in the earthquake, but He wasn’t there; He looked in the fire and the rain, but He wasn’t there; finally, Word says, Elijah found God in a still small voice!
It doesn’t take a crackling bolt of lightning IF we will listen to a whisper.
When’s the last time we heard God’s voice?
When’s the last time we were waiting, alert and ready when He called?
What if He called you on your cell phone in the middle of a crowded, roaring street of people—would you hear Him then?
One thing’s for sure…
When God wants your attention, He will use whatever means necessary to get it!
Guess that really depends on you!

Until Next Time
I’m Just Sayin’…
Brother “A”

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