Modern Handmade Child

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm Just Sayin By Alan P. Scaglione

                                           "From Alan The Average to Alan The Author"
“I’m Just Sayin’”

by Alan P. Scaglione


What is it?

What builds it?

What passes the test?

What develops it?

Why does it matter IF you have it?

Character is not something you talk about….

It’s something that just shows up…when needed most.

It’s all talk…until it’s tested!

I have always said, “You can destroy my reputation, but only I can tarnish my character!”

And sometimes, it takes years and experiences to build it into something you can be proud of.

And it only takes one test….to prove you have it…or that you don’t!

It can sometimes mandate a name change.

Jacob to Israel;

Abram to Abraham!

God told Abram that he would be the father to many nations, and they would rise up and call him blessed.(Genesis 12:2)

But He also worked with Abram, growing him through situations and challenges, opportunities and events…

All-To build his character; to transform his personality; to morph him from who he was to whom he was meant to be!

And…that all takes time.

When God decides that…you have passed the test, proven the changes, displayed the “you” that you were meant to be…

He changes your name!

He changed Abram’s to Abraham; he changed Jacob’s to Israel!

And He will change yours too.

He may not have you go from Alan to Allistair, but…He may have you go from “Alan the Impetuous” to “Alan the Wise!”

All because He saw in you the end of a thing—and He knew, character would grow in you—IF you allowed Him to train you!

Take a moment to review your life.

Who you were; who you are!

What you did; What you now do!

How you were perceived; How you’re perceived now.

Has it changed? Can you look back and see how God trained you, tested you and taught you to be…the “you” He envisioned for you!

I often say…

“Lord, let me see “me” through Your eyes because…You think I can get through this—I have doubts, but I trust what You see in me!”

Character isn’t something you “say” you have…it’s something you “show” you have…Character shows up when needed!

Character rises in the face of oppression.

Character shows up when fear tries to take control.

Character takes over when circumstances leave you with a 50/50 chance of defeat.

It’s the stuff our “real life,every day” heroes are made of!

Character— a rare quality in this day and age!

Most people are “go with the flow, follow the crowd, don’t make any waves” kind of people.

But “go with the flow” are never described as heroes!

And “follow the crowd” never save the day!

“Don’t make any waves!” never stood up for anyone!

So…God took 25 years to mold, shape, test and prove that Abram was ready to become Abraham!

His name change was the final step that showed…

Abram no longer existed; Abraham was now leading the pack!

What about you? GOT CHARACTER?

When’s the last time your character was tested?

The last time you stood up against bullies in the work place or school yard?

The last time you said “enough” and refused to sit quiet while an injustice was happening?

The last time you felt the spirit of “DO SOMETHING” well up inside you and cause you to be counted?

Character is never wasted on the weak, the fearful, the followers—they don’t have it!

It takes a true leader to show character!

Character is what made them a good leader!

Sometimes, character is what you see in others and want in yourself!

Ask yourself-- Am I an Abram or…An Abraham?

Someone with character or…someone whose character is developing and building and growing?

It takes a test to prove character!

Until then…it’s just talk…and talk is cheap!

Show me what you’re made of!

Someday God may just say…I want to change your name!

Until Next Time

I’m Just Sayin’…

Brother “A”

1 comment:

  1. Another GREAT column Alan, Thank you for being part of my blog and letting me share your writing journey with you.
