Modern Handmade Child

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


“Missed Moment--Our Trip to Naples—how I wish it had happened!”
                                                                                                       By Alan P. Scaglone

Missed Moments.
That’s what I call them…those moments in life that… you let get away from you…and they just never seem to come back around.
I know, I know… so many people subscribe to the adage “what I’ve been through makes me who I am, so I have to accept that I had to go through all of that … to be me today!”
I get that, but… I’m talking about those missed moments…the ones you wish you could get back… if you could do it all over again.
I’ve got a few of those-- and they have been haunting me lately.
Mind if I share a few? Maybe you have a few too… and I would love to hear some of yours!
POINTS2PONDER  Why do we always think—it will come back again – I’ll do it next time – when, sometimes….there just isn’t a next time!
Missed moments… I’ve got a few.
MOVE When I was 28, I was working at IBM, and I had the opportunity to move to The Netherlands, with my family, for a year or more.
I wanted to go so badly. I thought, “great opportunity for the kids to see Europe, see a life they wouldn’t normally see in Seffner, Florida, and I could visit Paris more often!”
I was ready to say yes, but my wife said, “the kids are just starting kindergarten and we really don’t want to expose them to one way of teaching and then come back and do another.”
We didn’t move.
JUMP For my 30th birthday, I planned to jump out of a plane, tandem. I had it all paid for, planned and ready to go. It was a lifetime dream.
A week before my 30th birthday, my brother Joe’s daughter Nikki was killed by a drunk driver.
It just didn’t seem appropriate for me to do something so daredevil a week after her death.
I said, “I’ll do it later. In a few months, when things are not so raw and emotional—no problem—there’s always next year!”
I never jumped.
RISE For my 48th birthday, I planned to take a hot air balloon ride to celebrate the fact that I had lost a lot of weight the year before, and I was feeling better than ever.
We got up at 5am, my brother Paul and sister-in-law Kay, picked us up. We were laughing at how crazy it was to be doing this, but… so like me!
We were almost there, and I noticed that a voicemail was left on my cell phone.
I laughed and said, “You wait—it’s probably the Balloon people, cancelling the ride—Story of my life!” We laughed and I listened to the voicemail.
It was— They  did – and I never did rise in the sky!
GO For my daughters(twins) 28th birthday, we planned a 3 day excursion at my brother Paul’s timeshare in Naples, Florida.
It was to be the girls, the grandkids and us – just a time to celebrate their birthday like we used to—all together—sharing the moment.
We were all excited to go to Naples at a resort and just hang out together.
It was a first since they became adults—vacationing with their Papa.
At the last minute, I got called into work—we didn’t go.

Sadly--We never made it there that year, and… life changed a lot in a short period of time. No one seems to want to take that vacation together these days.
So…sometimes, missed moments are…just that! You really can’t get them back.
In retrospect, I wish I hadn’t listened to the reasoning of competing education philosophies, hadn’t postponed that airplane jump or never rescheduled that air balloon ride…
And most importantly, I would give my eyeteeth to NOT have gone into work that weekend we were supposed to have gone to Naples.
You will sit there and say…”guess you just weren’t meant to go”.
But…I just sit here and say…some moments-- you just don’t get back again… No “do-overs” In life!
And…if you’re asking, I would say when those moments arise in your life… MOVE, JUMP, RISE and GO!!!
See?? Maybe YOU can learn from my Missed Moments!

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