Modern Handmade Child

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Points2Ponder by Alan P. Scaglione

“If it were my boys-- What can I expect of you?”


WARNING! This author is stepping onto his “SoapBox” to discuss a recent news topic. His views are his views alone—unfortunately! (This is an add in by Suzann (GrannyZann) these are MY views as well!)

Here it goes!

Anybody out there hear about this scandal at PennState? You know the one…

The one involving a guy who has used his position in the football staff and his charitable foundation to molest young boys!

Yep! That one!

I have been listening to the news about this, and with each newscast or tickertape crawl on the bottom of my TV screen, my moral indignation just goes through the roof!

Hearing people discuss the pros and cons, the excuses and explanations, the pleas and testimonials, of Joe Paterno.

I think if I hear another person say “He did great things, so he can’t be a bad person. He just made an error in judgment, haven’t we all?”

And to that, I respond “NO we haven’t! Not when it meant letting a crime against a child go unreported to the police! NO!! WE ALL HAVE NOT!”

This is just a snapshot of the moral cancer that has eaten away at our society!

We love the good that comes with the guy, so…we will look the other way when it comes to the bad.

I call it “situational ethics”…our ethics depends on the situation!

I raised my kids with the following edict:

Wrong is Wrong if everyone’s doing it


Right is Right is no one is doing it!

We cannot let anyone hide behind the “Legal Least” that is required

Instead of holding them to the “Moral Most” that is expected of human beings—

And we ask the question—what if he walked into that shower and saw his grandson being molested? Would he have stopped short of calling the police?

The bottom line—no matter all the good you have done, looking the other way when you should have spoken up—can’t make up for that!

POINTS2PONDER Why has our nation come to value our sports figures as “gods who cannot do wrong or whose wrong is ignored or forgiven” instead of holding them to the same level of moral decency we would hold our family and friends to? Why do we excuse the inexcusable behavior of a person just because…they entertain us?

I have to admit…I hold them all accountable!

From the guy who walked into the situation and went home that night, called his dad to discuss and then… called Joe Paterno the next morning to let him know what he had observed—never calling the police—ever!! (Why didn’t his DAD tell him to call the Police???)

To the “greatest coach of all time” Joe Paterno. Not sure being greatest coach was worth the price of his moral standard.

He says “I coulda done more!” – yes! A lot more!

Throughout all of this—I have thought of my son and our four grandsons! What would I expect someone to do if it were my boys?

You know what we’d expect US to do…so, why don’t we expect it out of these men?

I can tell you because I know…you don’t have a “moment of silence” on the field—you lead a loud roaring protest to break the 10 years of silence!

And you may be wondering…talk is cheap; you never know until you’ve been placed in that situation; flee or fight!

Well, I can tell you—I did NOT flee!

Sometimes, you just have to say “I don’t care who is doing it—it’s WRONG!!”

Our America used to have a standard of decency that was more important than our standard of living!

Our heroes should not come with Warning Labels: Warning—“This Life does not represent suitable for duplication!”

A Hero is someone you want to emulate and admire.

Morals should always take priority over Money!

Even if it means… losing a scholarship, a Top 10 Standing… even a football game!

Ever hear “All that is necessary for evil to continue is for good men to stand by and do nothing!”

Hold your Heroes to the Same Standard your Hold Yourself—No Exceptions, No Excuses!

Enough SAID!!!

***Additional add in by Suzann (GrannyZann) -there will never be enough said when it comes to protecting a child. There is NEVER an excuse, reason, or what ever else you may want to call it to NOT protect a child and NOT do the right thing. Make sure YOU are not one of THOSE people that turn a blind eye.****

1 comment:

  1. I am with you Alan! I ask the Lord all the time, "What is going on with this world?" To many people turning their heads when they should be using what is inside their heads to protect children or stand up for any other biblical sins. This is the end times though and the Lord said things would get worse. I see the signs everyday in the news. It is sad and my heart aches when I see what people are becoming. I stand with you in prayer and use my God given voice when it is needed. Sin is Sin! and I am not one to use a Chocolate Fountain to help it go down better.

    God Bless You,
