Modern Handmade Child

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


“Like the waves and the tide, Life Goes On..And It Should!”
                                                                                                       By Alan P. Scaglone

So I have to be honest, I am grappling with making sense of it all.
I just spent a week preparing and supporting my family while they went through this painful time of unexpected death, letting go and moving on.
I think it’s the last one that I am having trouble with.
I took care of them and made sure they had everything they needed. From pictures to Kleenex—it was my job as their father, brother, uncle, brother-in-law, husband…
To help them through this impossible task of grasping the concept of someone, NOT in their sunset years, leaving us suddenly.
And I was there for them—never asking them to be there for me.
But now…I have to admit…I’m having a little trouble with “moving on”—picking up the pieces—making some sense of it all—and carrying on without him.
Hey, don’t get me wrong—I’ve had a lot of practice. My mom, niece, father, best friend and now…oldest brother…all left us “before their time” as people say.
We trust in God, and that HE knows their time, so…it must have been “Their time” on God’s clock!
And I know from experience…Life goes on!
POINTS2PONDER  Why is it so amazing that, when we are dealing with a tragedy in our life, the flowers are still blooming and the grass is still growing—outside our window? Why is it just when we think we cannot go on or live through this heartbreaking period of our lives, we realize that…people are still going to the beach and going to work, planning weddings and having babies because…Life Goes On!
Speaking of the beach…my wife knew…I needed to go where everything just makes sense to me—for me, my calm place is…watching the waves, seeing the tide roll in…my feet wet from the water!
She knew I was having a day of mourning. I am allowed that. I know where he is, but I also know where he isn’t, and he’s not at the other end of his phone to call nor at his townhouse in Clearwater to visit.
 I was quiet…which she knows…is NOT typical me!
She said…”let’s go for a drive!” and we wound up at the Beach!
I walked along the shore, got wet past my knees. The water was cold…for a minute, but then…that State of Acclimate! And all was well…It really did calm me down.
Fathers were building sandcastles with their sons, mothers were putting sun block on their daughters, brothers were throwing Frisbees and footballs and young couples were arm in arm.
And it hit me…. “Life goes on…”
During all that I have been through in the past 10 days, this beach has been full of families doing what families do at a beach…sharing and enjoying some R and R – Rest and Relaxation!
And that’s the way it is supposed to be…
Kids need sun block and to be taught how to make sandcastles, boys need to throw Frisbees and footballs and those couples, they have to walk in the water arm in arm!
It reminds us that… no matter how rough the moment, and it may get pretty tough for a period of time…but, always…there’s a kid out there, on the shore, playing in the sand with his dad!
And I get it…Joe did it with his daughter while someone mourned a loss; now they are teaching sandcastle 101 to their son while I mourn the loss of my big brother.
It is as it should be…
Life goes on.

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